Sunday, May 24, 2009

Portable Education

Dear Friend,

When people with families begin to dream about living a creative family lifestyle, one crafted around the dreams and goals of family members instead of by their circumstances, there always seem to be the same perceived barriers that stand in the way. At least when those dreams require the family to become more mobile and flexible in the way they live day-to-day.

Two of the greatest perceived barriers to breaking with a conventional fixed family lifestyle are careers and schooling for the children. Most jobs are tied to a physical office, and traditional schools are physical places. If you need to be mobile, this is a problem.

There is a great deal of information on the Internet about portable careers and work that only requires a laptop and an Internet connection. I'm not sure how much I can add to that here. There is also plenty of information available regarding alternative educational opportunities. However, there seems to be little information about how families can achieve a quality education for their children without being tied to any one physical place, and without the parents having to trade their previous career in an office for a new career as their kid's new school teacher.

I will be presenting to you as many educational options for mobile families as I can discover, along with references to where you can obtain more information. If you are part of a family that has mastered the "portable school" or its equivalent, I'd would really love to hear from you.

We are all here to help each other to remove barriers to our dreams. At least that's why I'm here. I hope that you feel the same way.

More on this subject in future posts.

All the best,


1 comment:

  1. There are plenty of online education sites available for children. We have chosen to homeschool but through my searches for supplements have been surprised at the number of "internet schools".

    are a few that came up with a quick google search of "online homeschool".

    Autumn Beck
