Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Climbing the Rockies

Dear Friend,

It's been a bit since I've posted. And in that time our crew has driven quite a ways across western Canada. In fact, we've finally reached the Rockies!

We are in Jasper, Alberta. This is a Canadian National Park area, and it's easy to see why.

The scenery is breathtaking. And wild animals abound. In our short time here we have seen mountain sheep walking along a shear cliff-side, and a large male elk grazing along some railroad tracks, right beside a busy tourist area.

My wife has been disappointed to have missed these photo ops, but I am sure there will be more.

We brought a friend along who up until now has been helping with the kids, but she flies back out of Calgary, in southern Alberta, on Friday morning, so we have a deadline to reach that city before then.

That's a small achievement, considering we are just about there. However, it puts a bit of a crimp into my relaxed travel style (I hate deadlines). And we have been running a bit from scenic site to scenic site, without being able to stop and dig-in a bit at any one place.

A fast paced travel schedule feels too much like a vacation to me. Time is limited on vacations, so most folks try to squeeze as much as they can into that time.

When you live on the road, however, time is, essentially infinite. There is no need to rush. And you can always go back to some place you like if you want to. There is no particular route, because the road itself, and all of the places along it, are home. Your travel path may resemble the flight path of a bumble bee, but it doesn't matter. You move when you want to, because you want to, in any direction that you wish.

This is freedom in its truest incarnation. Now if only I can get my wife to understand this...

Talk to you soon,


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