Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Beginning a Journey to a Better Life

Dear Friend,

The focus of my blog, my business, and my life, really, is to discover and explore ways to live life with my family to the fullest - whatever that may mean to us.

My website at ThePassionateWarrior.com begins with the heading, "Helping Ordinary Families Live Extraordinary Lives." I really mean that. And not just the "extraordinary" part.

In my opinion, there are always people and families who live out on the edge. These folks live life to the fullest, and don't need somebody like me to tell them how. I admire these families greatly, but they aren't really my target audience.

I want to reach "ordinary" families, living typical lives. And I want to ask them a simple question - Are you satisfied with your lifestyle? Are you living today the life that you really want to live? Did you always think that once you got married and had a few kids that the days of fun and excitement in your life would be over?

There is an old but generally unspoken philosophy about coming of age in Western society. It goes something like this: Life, generally, sucks. As a child, you can run around, dream, have fun and adventures, etc. But once you grow up and leave the nest, its time to pick up that lunch pail and get to work in the mines. Marry the girl down the lane, kick out a few young'uns, and support your old folks in their elder years.

It was assumed in those days that life would be hard, and it generally was. People lived from month to month. If you didn't work hard, you'd be fired from your job in the "mines," and become a burden on the family - the ubiquitous "bum."

Parents believed, though totally unconsciously, that part of their job was to beat the dreams and passions out of their children. These were seen as dangerous. Budding artists were steered towards law or medicine or business. No "starving" artists here.

The bottom line is, it is only in recent years that most adults in our culture have been able to consider the possibility of holding onto those childhood dreams and passions. Yet most still don't realize this.

People live the lives they have been programmed to live since childhood. And those programs are often quite old and archaic. My mission is to open eyes, to help people to shed old and distructive programming, and ultimately to help them to get back in touch with their true selves.

I also want to help people to discover that having a family is no burden to living out their dreams. I believe that the best way to be a great parent is to live your life authentically, to its fullest, and to allow your children to watch you do it.

I want my children to live their lives the same way I do. Mind you, I'm not saying that I expect my kids to enjoy the same things that I do. Rather, I want them to understand that life in the 21st Century is all about knowing and striving for your personal dreams. And a great marriage is all about two independent people supporting each other to grow to their personal best, while sharing the ride and acting as each other's unwavering support and cheering section.

If my kids take this new "programming" to heart, I will be satisfied that I have done my best as a parent. And if I can bring to the world this new message of living a full, exciting life of passion and dream fulfillment within the context of a family unit, I will feel that I have succeeded as a teacher, guide and coach to my fellow man.

I hope that you'll join me on this journey. If you are one of those who already lives their life as they please, I need your stories and your guidance so that I can pass them on to those who truly need to hear them. And if you are living the conventional life and are wondeing when this nightmare is going to end - don't call your divorce attorney. Instead, reconsider your life. Maybe you haven't been living your true life after all?

Thanks for your support and for the kindness many of you have shown to me as we have begun this journey together. Here's to a great future for families everywhere!

All the best,


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