Saturday, February 28, 2009
Displine, Habit, and Passion
When I was a kid, the word discipline was generally associated with pain and a general loss of privileges. In other words, for a kid, discipline meant the adults won, I lost, and I was going to suffer for a while. Discipline meant the proverbial trip to the woodshed. No wonder people are turned off by the word today!
We all know that success requires discipline, but discipline is seen as being hard. Too hard. So we keep looking for an easier way. And why not, a little research just might save us tons of unnecessary effort. Why begin a hard exercise program when that new pill on TV might just make us skinny overnight? Why scrimp and save and deny ourselves when that new "get rich quick" opportunity I got in my email this morning might just make all that effort seem pathetic.
Here's the reality, folks. If the goal you seek is a minor one, and you aren't in a hurry to achieve it, then taking your time while keeping an eye out for life's cheat codes might be a good idea. You might get lucky. But when it comes to the central goals of your life, the longer you wait for the "easy way" to make itself apparent to you, the more of your life that you will waste. And the less of your limited life span that you will enjoy.
The benefits of achieving your life's key goals are worth the effort. You just have to discriminate between those goals that don't really matter and those that do.
The beauty of The Way of the Passionate Warrior is that there is a cheat code to getting what you want - a shortcut to success that doesn't require discipline. It's called passion. When you are passionate about what you are doing, the effort is easy. You don't have to work hard, because doing what you are passionate about - what you love - is a pleasure. You don't have to discipline yourself to go to work because you live for your work. All of us were meant to follow our passion. It's what we do naturally. But while we were growing up the world mistakenly taught us that we should forget our passion. People subtly taught us that we should expect life to be hard and miserable. Our job in life was to get up, go to work, and just bear it. Otherwise we'd end up as bums, and the world wasn't going to support us.
But the world has changed. Today you can get what you want in life without being miserable while you wait for it. And let's face it, what's the point of working at something that you hate for years so that you can enjoy it at retirement, just to drop dead two days after retirement (admit it, you know of someone that this has happened to).
If discipline is not for you, then you must discover your passion, and follow it. Stop looking for the easy way out. You have found it, right here. Discover your passion, and success will come easy.
Talk to you again soon,
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The funny thing about passion is that you don't have to go anywhere to find it. Believe it or not, right now you are brimming with passion. You just may not be in touch with that passion.
You are passionate about the central purpose of your life. Find your central purpose, and you will find your passion.
I will say this now: If you do not know what the central purpose of your life is, you can not be truly successful. You may earn money. You may even receives accolades. But you will never achieve the feeling of fulfillment which is the true form of the success that we all strive for.
Also know that you cannot discover your central purpose with your mind. Only your heart can guide you to this discovery.
Those who chose to join me in my Way of the Passionate Warrior Premium Course will learn a step-by-step process for discovering their true, central life's purpose. Such a discovery leads naturally to passion in all that you do, and that passion, combined with the discipline and skills of the modern-day warrior, leads to success.
It's that simple.
Talk to you soon,
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tired of Being Poor Yet?
I’m so tired of reading and hearing all of the “bad” news lately. Sure, the financial system is busted, and real, ordinary people are being hurt. Some of them don’t even realize it yet. But they soon will. And when they do, they’ll react in predictable ways. They’ll get scared. And they’ll get mad. They’ll demand that their government “do something”.
And their government will do something. They will run around like chickens, spouting slogans and looking important. They’ll make more bad decisions and screw things up even more.
Yet, I am optimistic.
Yup, I am. I already know how to extricate myself from this mess. I know how to make my “assets” free of the reach of “experts” who want to “manage” them for me. I know how to get all of the cash I need, when I need it. I know how to get the things I want, when I want them.
All of this knowledge makes my life rather carefree.
My love life isn’t bogged down by worry and stress either. My confidence soars. And others sense this about me. It’s the only way to live.
But I can’t just sit by while real, decent people have their life screwed up by those whom they have trusted. Their bankers, their governments, whoever.
If any of this resonates with you, stick with me. Over the next few weeks I will be talking to you about my personal philosophy for success, which I call The Way of the Passionate Warrior.
Every human being needs to have the expert knowledge and skills of a modern-day warrior to survive and thrive in today’s chaotic world. But to really put those skills to work, each person must find their own, unique passion. It is this passion, combined with finely-honed skills, that will insulate each of us from the foibles of the world, while taking us to the life we really want.
I hope that you choose to check out my next post. If not, I understand. But if you do, where we go with this just might change your life.
All the best,
Hugh DeBurgh